How to buy Christmas gifts in tier 4 COVID December 2020

Christmas was hard enough even without the pandemic but here we go again with a new tier 4 restriction ! 

So non essential shops are closed and I haven’t even finished all my Christmas shopping raaaar 

So what I’m going to do is either find online stores that have a next day delivery or get creative and I’m opting for the latter because it’s sounds more fun

Let’s create hampers for everyone seeing as the supermarkets are open yay, you don’t need a fancy hamper either! 

Get a box, wrap if in fancy paper, add...

Chocolates, wine, cheese, biscuits, olives, smoked salmon or what ever you can afford.

The greatest thing about this gift is that it can be for a whole family and not just one person so the cost and size is completely up to you

V x 
