Why have I got anxiety

 Anxiety happens when you are not in full control of your life, or at least it feels like it. 

Unfinished tasks that people hassle you about will cause anxiety because they don’t think you have full control, but you do. 

Write down a list of items you need to do in order of urgency and get them done with the most urgent first. 

If anyone hassles you about the tasks say “ I am in full control, don’t worry about my tasks, worry about your own tasks”

Anxiety is highly common when you work for other people that don’t value you so maybe it’s worth looking around for a boss or clients that really appreciate your value and ditch the bad ones. 

Anxiety and stress is the worst silent killer in the world so if someone doesn’t value you, move on and work with people that do. 

Try it, it might even feel good

