Why do I loose interest in things so quickly

 Our minds are there to be stimulated 24/7 so the trick is to have varied tasks throughout the day that keep your brain stimulated. 

We generally loose interest when we’re immersed in boring tasks and the mind wanders some call the attention deficit but I call it “I’m bored to shit” give me something exciting to do haha 

We all have boring chores around the home and paper work to do but the trick is to get them out the way so you can focus on the more fun things in life 

Or you could make the chores more fun here’s a few examples

  • When cleaning move the furniture around
  • Rearrange your bedroom furniture 
  • Replace old carpets for new
  • Play music whilst cooking
  • Create new recipes and meals
  • Put flowers everywhere 
  • Sing till your hearts content 
