Why are women colder than men

It’s a defence mechanism for our sanity!

Wherever we go there are controlling men in leadership roles and if we show no emotions you have no control over us 

Women in this day and age are taking back control of their lives we can now literally 
  • Have kids
  • Do all chores
  • Hold down a full time job 
  • Be financially independent 
We are cold if there is a threat to the above. 

If your going out with a women that is extremely cold, they have a lot on their plate and see you as a threat, be it not caring, not loving, no emotional support. 

So basically anything that may affect the above! 

If you want your woman to be warmer or even HOT! 
Do the following...

  1. Love her
  2. Care for her
  3. Trust her
  4. Compliment her 
  5. Say she’s amazing haha!!! 
  6. Maybe help with the chores to , don’t ask her just do them...
Let’s stay sane together!!! You might even get a shag hahaha (Not from me!!!)

