What women want during sex

 Let’s face it your not going to get her to have sex with you if you haven’t got a connection in your relationship. 

Women focus on relationships before sex is even considered 

You literally have to be her best friend before you can lead an adventurous and exciting sex life 

It’s a connection you have to build on like building a house, a house made of one brick won’t cut it, it has to have 4 walls and a roof.

Women want to be one whilst having sex and this is being fully comfortable with you. 

Once the ground works have been made, the raunchy ideas that go through women’s heads are mind blowing and you will experience the best sex life EVER. 

Here are a few tips if she’s a bit slow off the mark...

  • Role Play 
  • Handcuffs 
  • Crotchless knickers 
  • Different locations
Enjoy x
