What a mature woman wants in a relationship

We don’t want your money, we just need your love...

After having kids and all of the responsibilities, we just want a man that can give emotional support and the sex will come.

But just a warning, if you don’t give us this emotional support there will be no sex!!!

I think some men think of a women as a slave, we do all the cooking, cleaning and chores then you expect sex! NO!!!

Times have changed and women are career girls, well I am! 
So on top of all the home responsibilities we have a full time career too!!! This is a 24/7 job 

You may think the fairies appear when everything get cleaned and cleared away but that’s not a fairy that’s me! 

After all the turmoil of the day our best wish is to find a surprise home cooked meal and a glass of wine as a treat.
Ps the meal must be ultra healthy

But to answer your question what do nature women want out of a relationship 
  1. Love
  2. Trust
  3. Care
  4. Emotional support 
  5. Best friend 🥰
