How to look after yourself

 If your surrounded by people that you constantly care for it’s easy to stop looking after yourself  and putting yourself first. 

But if you don’t look after yourself, you can’t care for anyone else and most importantly Your health and well-being will be affected.

Instead of treating yourself to bad things like drinking and smoking, swap them for exercise and self love

This list may help x 

  1. Drink caffeine free tea & coffee
  2. Eat mostly salad & veg with a sprinkling of meat(fish Is best)
  3. Snack on fruit 
  4. If you can walk rather than use the car do it
  5. Be around people you want to be like 
  6. Say no to things that arnt healthy 
  7. Be the best version of yourself 
  8. If you struggle with wine in the evenings get your self a motor bike you can’t ride a bike with a fuzzy head
  9. Love yourself - pamper yourself with highlights, nice perfume, new clothes that make you feel good
  10. You got this girl xxx
