how to deal with psychological abuse

 If your dealing with psychological abuse then I am all to familiar with this as my partner has slowly been destroying me over the years and know how hard it is! 

The first step is identifying it and because your hear I’m guessing you have worked out it’s not you! 

The main reason to sort this out is because you want your confidence back and to feel good again so let’s give you a few tips.

When you see him next even if he’s in a good mood as it sometimes feels like these people have multiple personalities tell him that this is an abusive relationship that I no longer want to be in

He’ll probably say I don’t know what your on about but you’ve put the seed in his head for this journey to get better

The next time he puts you down say this again

“This is an abusive relationship that I no longer want to be in”

And hopefully the penny will drop, but be prepared for multiple put downs and keep saying this every time he puts you down and eventually he will improve or he will leave.

PLESSE NOTE: If your financially free from him you can move onto the next step. If your not financially free there are lots of charities and bodies that may be able to help you financially get out of this rut so check them out and see what you can get so you know your finically status before The next step. 

The next step...

ONLY  if your financially free do this...

If neither of the 2 above situations happen your going to have to be strong and say 

“This is an abusive relationship that I no longer want to be in your going to have to leave” 

I hope this helps x 

Stay Strong 


