Am I an alcoholic quiz

 The simple answer is no...

Your habits have been learnt through your upbringing and other people’s habits and you’ve just copied them. 

Your not weak you simply haven’t set your own set of rules and boundaries.

My two main influencers were my mum and my boyfriend let’s start with my mum! 

The other day I decided to go to hers for supper and I decided to analyse her drinking with mine, wholey crap that was an eye opener! No wonder I drink the way I do!!!

She would pour a little glass for everyone except herself (she had overly large glass!) and would sneak in more alcohol when she thought the rest of us weren’t looking at the end of the night she’d probably drunk 3x times what everyone else had drunk I was amazed and obviously I had witnessed this though childhood and teenage years thinking it’s ok!

So lesson learnt it’s not ok to drink 2 bottles of wine a night!!! But I secretly knew this but your mum should be a good influence heh!!! NOT

My partner of 22 years made a habit of going to the pub every night and drinking 2-3 pints easily and I just joined in but deep down I didn’t want to but it was a way of spending more time with him.

These habits are ok for 1 night but not as a lifestyle so I have as of today set new boundaries for my drinking and they might help you out too...

  1. Watch don’t drink - analyse other people’s drinking
  2. Drink only one night a week
  3. Explore new tasty non alcoholic drinks
  4. Always be the driver - a good excuse why your not drinking 
Try this out and comment below after a few days I’m intrigued on your outcome 

