Why do I do things that are detrimental to my health

 You do things that are detrimental to your health because you have a pain that you are covering up. 

It may be a bad relationship or bad friends or bad work colleagues, it’s normally a person that your quite close to You that is making you feel like shit. 

Also if they are doing things that are detrimental to their health it’s highly likely you are copying them to get closer to them.

The best thing is to step back and analyse the whole situation and make a plan going forward.

It’s likely you are NOT happy with the way you look so let’s start there.

Start today, it’s going to be an amazing journey 

Eat lots of salads, fruit & veg with sprinklings of meat or fish, drink plenty of water and cut out all the crap you have been feeding your body  - listen to your body and feed it the healthy food it needs 

Then let’s say next week start to do half an hours worth of exercise it doesn’t have to be strenuous maybe just a cycle ride or a walk on the beach or park, remember this is for your mind not for your body it’s all about priming your body for what it was designed to do. 

After a week of doing this you will look a lot less stressed and feel sexier and be ready to rock the world

