how to tell you're in an abusive relationship

 You can tell if you’re in an abusive relationship by the feeling that person gives you when they’re around. 

Their distant, they criticise you, they don’t respect you and you turn to other behaviours to avoid them like drinking and drugs. 

And to be honest I don’t blame you if your dealing with this narcissistic  behaviour. 

But what your doing is making the matter worse by hurting yourself, you need to be STRONG and hold your ground and live the life you want to live. 

Their behaving this way because of their insecurities, don’t let this affect you EVER and be the genuine you xxx

Always be sober and on guard and always stand your ground, you know you the best and you are fucking amazing don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

If your in an abusive relationship please feel free to comment and we can all try to help each other 

Big hugs 

