how to tap into your subconscious mind

 I am no means an expert but use this Technique to tap into my subconscious mind to help myself during bad times. 

So we have a conscious mind which is everything that is happing around you and your subconscious mind decides whether to accept that information and let it in. 

Conscious mind = the outside worlds beliefs 

Subconscious mind = your beliefs

Tapping into your subconscious with help you massively in life and filter all the bad stuff out. 

Let’s say your getting married and tell people, the ones in happy marriages will be ecstatic and the ones in unhappy marriages will tell you not to do it. 

So the trick here is to listen to your subconscious mind and stay happy and not let other people’s thoughts affect that 

Your subconscious mind is the road to happiness. 
